

醫用電子學 Biomedical Electronics
授課進度 Course Progress Outline
週次Week 主題 Topic
1 課程導論與生醫工程介紹 (Introduction)
2 生醫儀器基本概念 (Basic Concepts of Biomedical Instrumentation)
3 生理訊號基礎 (The origin of physiological signals) (期中報告分組)
4 生理訊號: 心電圖 (Physiological signals: ECG)
5 生理訊號: 腦電圖 (Physiological signals: EEG)
6 生理訊號: 腦磁圖、肌電圖 (Physiological signals: MEG, EMG)
7 生醫感測器原理 1 (Basic sensor & principles 1)
8 生醫感測器原理 2 (Basic sensor & principles 2)
9 生醫放大與濾波器 (Biopotential amplifier and filter)
10 生醫電子系統設計 (Biomedical electronics system design)
11 期中報告
12 血壓與心音量測 (Blood pressure and sound)
13 血液動力學(Measurement of blood flow)
14 肺功能量測 (Measurement of pulmonary function)
15 助聽器與人工眼
16 生醫影像與生醫訊號分析 (Biomedical imaging and biomedical signal processing)
17 電性安全 (Electrical safety)
18 期末考
醫學影像系統 Medical Image System - Course in English
課程學習目標 讓修課同學了解目前常用的醫學影像系統,包含腦電磁/波、超音波影像、電腦斷層影像、核磁共振影像與核醫影像等系統的原理與功能,以及基本醫學影像處理的概念。
授課進度 Course Progress Outline
週次Week 主題 Topic
1 Digital Imaging Processing I
2 Digital Imaging Processing II
3 Electroencephalography(EEG)
4 Magnetoencephalography(MEG)
5 Near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS)
6 Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS)
7 Medical Ultrasound Imaging I
8 Medical Ultrasound Imaging II
9 Mid-term Exam
10 X-ray I
11 X-ray II
12 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) I
13 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) II
14 Nuclear Medicine I
15 Nuclear Medicine II
16 Term Project
17 Term Project
18 Final Exam
生醫機電系統導論 Introduction to Bioelectric and Biomechanical Engineering
課程學習目標 生醫電子與生醫機械工程乃是生物醫學工程領域中的一大分支,本課程之主要目的為讓修課同學對於機電工程於生醫系統之應用與發展有一個初步認識。本課程將介紹機電工程與系統如何得到人體生理電訊號與運動力學資訊,與如何統合信息做為臨床診斷與治療的工具。
授課進度 Course Progress Outline
週次Week 主題 Topic
1 Anatomy and physiology
2 Bioelectric phenomenon
3 Biopotentials
4 Biopotentials
5 Biosensor
6 Biosensor
7 Biopotential amplifiers
8 Biopotential amplifiers
9 Mid-term Exam
10 Principle of basic mechanics
11 Principle of basic mechanics
12 Soft tissue mechanics
13 Motion capture techniques
14 Human motion analysis
15 Assistive technology
16 Medical imaging system
17 Term Project
18 Final Exam
數位影像處理 Digital Image Processing
課程學習目標 本課程將介紹數位影像處理的各種基本原理與技術,包含影像傅利葉轉換、空間域與頻率域的影像濾波與強化、影像幾何、影像分割、影像形態學處理與彩色影像處理。課程作業與期末專題將讓學生運用MATLAB程式實做實際的影像處理技巧。
授課進度 Course Progress Outline
週次Week 主題 Topic
1 Digital Image Fundamentals
2 Digital Image Fundamentals
3         Intensity Transformation
4 Filtering in Spatial Domain
5 Filtering in Spatial Domain
6 Filtering in Spatial Domain
7 Two-dimensional Fourier Transform
8 Filtering in Frequency Domain
9 Term Project Proposal
10 Filtering in Frequency Domain
11 Filtering in Frequency Domain
12 Image Restoration
13 Image Restoration
14 Color Image Processing
15 Image Segmentation
16 Image Segmentation
17 Term Project
18 Final Exam
數值分析    Numerical Analysis
課程學習目標 目的使學生瞭解藉電腦快速計算的特性,可以用數值計算方法應用於專業課程:舉凡物理、化學、生物科技、電機、資訊、航太及造船等領域之各種數學問題之數值解及其演算法的分析和研究
授課進度 Course Progress Outline
週次Week 主題 Topic
1 Introduction
2 Matlab Programming
3 Matlab Programming
4 Roots-Open Method
5 Roots-Bracketing Method
6 Optimization-one dimensional problem
7 Optimization-multidimensional problem
8 Mid-term Exam
9 Gaussian Elimination
10 LU factorization
11 Matrix Inverse and Condition
12 Iterative Method
13 Eigenvalue Problem
14 Linear Regression
15 General Linear Least-Squares and Nonlinear Regression
16 Polynomial Interpolation
17 Spline and Piecewise Interpolation
18 Final Exam

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