印度學者來訪 Dr. Balaji’s visit on 12/13/2018
印度學者Dr. Balaji’s 12/13/2018 蒞臨本院訪問來訪,Dr. S Balaji 副教授任職於電機電腦系, Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET), Loyola Campus, Chennai, India,專長在於核子與太空儀器的ASIC設計,和美國及歐洲工業界及學術界有合作關係,也是負責研究合作活動的協調者。Dr. Balaji 於11:00 先訪問計算機系,11:30 訪問電機系參觀通訊實驗室、VLSI實驗室及電力控制實驗室,對本系完備的實驗設備相當肯定,並和本系盛鐸老師討論ASIC設計合作可行性。於中午期間與理工學院主管及本校印度學生共進午餐,接著於1:30由國際副院長介紹理工學院,及學術副院長介紹應科所,Dr. S Balaji  也介紹LICET 的概況,並討論兩校工程學院合作的模式,尤其LICET 有海外實習及交換計畫,或許兩校可從此海外實習及交換計畫先進行。

The Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET) is an engineering and technology school in Chennai, India. It is approved by AICTE and affiliated with the Anna University, Chennai. It is a Christian Minority college, founded in 2010 by the Jesuits as part of the Chennai Jesuit Mission's efforts to empower the Dalits, the poor and the marginalized.

LICET WEB site http://www.licet.ac.in/

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