  • Chung-Yun Chang Chien, Sheng-Chou Lin., Te-Chun Hsu and Randy Tai, "Design and Implementation of a 24GHz Millimeter Wave Radar Sensor", National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST 2017), Taiwan, Jen, 21, 2017.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Chen-Yin Ho, “Performance Analysis of MRT-MIMO for OFDM Systems over Fading Channels with Cochanne lInterference”, 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2015), Singapore, December 2-4, 2015, P0290.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Chi-Wei Wu, "MMSE Space-time SS and DS Fractionally-spaced Decision-Feedback Multiuser Detection and Interference Cancellation for SDMA Systems over Fading Channels", 2012 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST 2012), Nov. 16. 2012, pp.1043.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Chi-Wei Wu, "MMSE Space-time Multiuser Decision-Feedback Detection in Multiple-antenna SDMA Systems over Dispersive Fading Channels",8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2011), Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Dec. 3, 2011, pp. P125 (notation:Recognition of high quality paper)
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Ya-Chen Chianga and Ching-Wen Chen, "Performance Analysis for Optimum Transmission and Comparison with Maximal Ratio Transmission for MIMO Systems with Cochannel Interference", 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2011), Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Dec. 13. 2011, pp. P126.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Ching-Wen Chen and Chi-Wei Wu, "Exact Error Probability for MMSE Combining and Comparison with Maximal Ratio Combining for Digital Radio with Cochannel Interference", 2009 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST 2009) , Dec. 11. 2009, pp.203-207.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Chi-Wei Wu, "Optimum Finite-length Space-time Decision Feedback Equalization with Multiuser Detection in SDMA Systems over Fading Channels", IEEE International conference on communication technology (IEEE ICCT),  Jinan, China, Sep. 25. 2011, pp.223-227.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Chi-Wei Wu and Jian-Liang Chen, “Optimum Finite-length MMSE Decision Feedback Equalization for Multiuser Detection in Multiple Antenna SDMA Systems over Fading Channels”, National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2010 (NST 2010) , Dec. 03. 2010, P605.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Ya-Chen Chiang and Ching-Wen Chen, “Performance Analysis for Optimum Transmission and Comparison with Maximal Ratio Transmission for MIMO Systems with Cochannel Interference”, National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2010 (NST 2010), Dec. 03. 2010, P572.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Ching-Wen Chen and Chi-Wei Wu, "Exact Error Probability for MMSE Combining and Comparison with Maximal Ratio Combining for Digital Radio with Cochannel Interference", National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2009 (NST 2009) , Dec. 11. 2009, pp.203-207.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Ching-Wen Chen and Chi-Wei Wu, "Exact Error Probability for MMSE Combining and Comparison with Maximal Ratio Combining for Digital Radio with Cochannel Interference", 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2009), Macau,Dec. 07, 2009, pp.P0238.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin、Ching-Wen Chen and Yu-Hsin Tang, "Accurate Performance Analysis of Maximum-ratio Combining over a CCI Channel using Gaussian Quadrature Rule", 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2009), Macau, International Conferences on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Dec.07, 2009, pp.P0243.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Yuan-Po Hsu, "Diversity and Decision-Feedback Equalization in Cellular Mobile Radio with Cochannel Interference", 6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007), Singapore, Dec. 10. 2007.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Yuan-Hong Luo and Yuan-Po Hsu, "Performance Evaluation of Decision-Feedback Equalization in Terrestrial Microwave Radio", 6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007),Singapore, Dec, 2007.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Yuan-Po Hsu, "Performance Analysis of Decision-Feedback Equalization in Digital Cellular Mobile Radio with Cochannel Interference", 6th IASTED international conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, Banff, Canada, July 07. 2007.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Yuan-Hong Luo and Yuan-Po Hsu, "Exact Error Rate Estimation of Optimum Diversity Combining with Finite-length Equalization in Digital Cellular Mobile Radio", 6th IASTED international conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, Banff, Canada, July 07. 2007, pp. 575-097.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Hung-Wen Fang, "Accurate Performance Analysis of Optimum Diversity Combining and Equalization over Mobile Radio Fading Channel with CCI", 5th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Process (ICICS2005), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2005.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin, Hung-Hsing Lin and Hung-Wen Fang, "Accurate Performance Analysis of Optimum Space Diversity Combining and Equalization in Digital Point-to-point Radio", IEEE TENCON 2005, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2005.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Sheng-Tao Chiang, "Performance Analysis of Diversity Reception for M-QAM with Cochannel Interference and Rayleigh Fading", IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IMRC2004),  Barcelona, Spain, Sep. 2004, pp.43 - 47.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Sheng-Tao Chiang, "Performance of Diversity Reception for QPSK with Cochannel Interference in a Flat Rayleigh Fading Channel", IEEE Vehicular Tech. (VTC2004), Sep. 2004, pp. 629 - 635.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Sheng-Tao Chiang, "Precise Performance Analysis of Diversity Reception for QPSK with Cochannel Interference over a Fading Channel", IASTED International Conference on Communications Systems and Applications, Banff, Canada, July 2004.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Juin-Ming Tsai, "Optimum performance of zero-forcing and minimum mean-square-error equalization for spatial combining diversity over mobile radio channels", IEEE 2001 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’ 2001), Atlantic city, NJ USA, Oct. 2001.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Juin-Ming Tsai, "Accurate error probability estimate using moment method fordecision-feedback equalization in digital cellular mobile radio with optimum diversity combining", IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC’ 2001),  Helsinki, Finland, June 2001, pp.3092-3096.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Juin-Ming Tsai, "Accurate error rate estimate for optimum diversity combining and decision feedback equalization in digital cellular mobile radio", 2000 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST 2000), Taiwan, Dec. 2000, pp.361-366.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Vasant K. Prabhu, "Optimum diversity receiver for cochannel interference with non-zero symbol timing offset in digital mobile radio", IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC’ 98), June 1998, pp.1350-1354.
  • Sheng-Chou Lin and Vasant K. Prabhu, "Diversity combining and equalization of frequency-selective fading signals with unequal mean strength", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’98), May 1998, pp.753-757.
  • 林昇洲、林士顥,「SC-FDMA系統之天線上傳技術之干擾消除等化器」2017 輔仁大學電機工程學系論文研究成果發表會,新北市新莊區,台灣,輔仁大學電機工程學系,2018-05-15, p47-52
  • 楊庸豪、林昇洲,「混合域決策回授等化器之單輸入多輸出單載波分頻多重存取系統於瑞雷衰減通道之表現分析」,2018全國電信研討會,淡水,臺灣,國立交通大學 電機學院/電機工程學系,2018年1月25日。​
  • 林士顥、林昇洲,「SC-FDMA系統之多天線上傳技術之空間多工頻域線性等化」,2018全國電信研討會,淡水,臺灣,國立交通大學 電機學院/電機工程學系,2018年1月25日。
  • 林昇洲、徐鳴意,「汽車後方感應器設計與實現」,2017 輔仁大學電機工程學系論文研究成果發表會,新北市新莊區,台灣,輔仁大學電機工程學系,2017-05-27
  • 林昇洲、張簡忠云、楊庸豪、林士顥,「汽車盲點偵測雷達感測器設計與實現」,2017 輔仁大學電機工程學系論文研究成果發表會,新北市新莊區,台灣,,2017-05-27
  • 林昇洲、張書豪,「超寬頻帶平面印刷天線設計」,2017 輔仁大學電機工程學系論文研究成果發表會,新北市新莊區,台灣,輔仁大學電機工程學系,2017-05-27
  • 林昇洲、何宗穎,「MRT-MIMO 正交分頻多工系統於同頻干擾通道之準確分析表現」,2014全國電信研討會,台中霧峰,臺灣,亞洲大學,2014-11-27
  • 林昇洲、陳建良,「非同步分碼多工使用空時決策回授抑制干擾與多使用者檢測」,2011全國電信研討會,花蓮,臺灣,東華大學電機工程系,2011年11月18日,P83。
  • 林昇洲、江亞宸,「最大比值與最佳多輸入多輸出系統於微細胞環境下之表現」,2011全國電信研討會,花蓮,臺灣,東華大學電機工程系,2011年11月18日,P372。
  • 林昇洲、吳旗偉,「蜂巢式行動通訊下使用分數間距最小均方誤差決策回授等化器及分集之週期穩態同頻干擾消除」,2009全國電信研討會(NST2009),高雄,臺灣, 高雄大學,2009年12月11日,頁189-193。
  • 林昇洲、 黃世勇,"主動相位陣列雷達TR組件之S頻帶反射式移相器",輔仁大學電子工程系2009論文研究成果發表會,臺灣,輔仁大學電子工程系,May 16. 2009。
  • 鄭元佑、 林昇洲,「在無線傳輸下非同步分碼多工擷取系統使用決策回授等化器的效能分析」,輔仁大學電子工程系2009論文研究成果發表會,台北,臺灣,輔仁大學電子工程系,2009年05月16日。
  • 林昇洲、邱慧卿、周書帆,「Optimum Diversity Combining Receivers with Decision-Feedback Equalization for Cellular Mobile Radio with CCI」,2008全國電信研討會,雲林縣虎尾,臺灣,虎尾科技大學,2008年12月05日,頁 1-5。
  • 林昇洲、陳靜雯、唐譽芯, 「Accurate Performance Analysis of Diversity Combining over a CCI Channel using Gaussian Quadrature Rule」,2008全國電信研討會,雲林縣虎尾,臺灣,虎尾科技大學,2008年12月05日,頁 21-25。
  • 林昇洲、謝詳界,「最簡化U-NII Band 之5.2GHz WLAN CMOS 低雜訊放大器設計」,第五界屆現代通訊研討會,台北,北台灣科技學院,2007年06月。
  • 林昇洲、謝詳界,「高隔離度之WLAN 802.11 應用發射接收機切換開關電路設計」,輔仁大學電子工程系2007論文研究成果發表會,台北,輔仁大學電子工程系,2007年05月。
  • 林昇洲、許淵博,「在同頻干擾之蜂巢式行動通訊下決定迴授等化之效能分析」,2006全國電信研討會,高雄,2006年12月,頁 283。
  • 林昇洲、羅元鴻、許淵博,「蜂巢式行動通訊具決定迴授等化多路接收之錯誤率分析」,2006全國電信研討會,高雄,2006年12月,頁 285
  • ​林昇洲、方和光,「以數位調變及錯誤控制碼改善台灣衛星電視通訊性能」,2004 通信電子科技與應用研討會,高雄,台灣,2004年05月。
