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- Wang PC, Archer A, Rajan S, Carvlin M, Mun SK, and Nelson MC. Imaging of the Human Hand Using a 4.7 Tesla Magnet: Clinical Experience. Radiology, November, 1987.
- Wang PC, Muraki A, Rajan S, Wambebe C, Guidotti A. High Resolution MR Imaging At 4.7 T of The central Nervous System In Rats. 29th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Conference, Rochester, New York, April 17‑21,1988.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Elsasser TH. Analysis of Body Composition of Obese and Control Mice by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy. FASEB J. 2:A1430, 1988.
- Wang PC, Wambebe C, Guidotti A, and Muraki A. High Resolution, High Field (4.7T) MRI of Huntington's Disease In An Experimental Rat Model, 7th Annual Meeting, Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, San Francisco, CA, August 22‑26, 1988.
- Wang PC, Muraki A, Wambebe C, Guidotti A. High Field, High Resolution MR Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases at 4.7 Tesla‑An Experimental Rat Model. 74th Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill, Nov 27‑Dec 2, 1988.
- Conway JM, Wang PC, Lo BS, Zeman RK, Conary JJ. A New Method For Assessing Changes in Adipose Tissue. Volume During Weight Reduction By Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) FASEB J, March 1989. New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Wang PC, Conaway JM, Lo BS, Volumetric Changes In Adipose During Weight Reduction By magnetic Resonance Imaging. 8th Ann Meeting of Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, August 13‑18 Amsterdam, 1989.
- Olson JR, Chang SJ, Wang PC, NMR Imaging of Moisture Flow in White Oak Rays. IUFRO International Symposium on wood Drying Upgrading Wood Quality Through Drying Technology. Seattle, Washington, July 23‑28, 1989.
- Olson JR, Chang SJ, Wang PC, NMR Imaging of Moisture Gradients in Lumber 1989 Annual Meeting Forest Products Research Society, Reno, Nevada June 25‑29.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Elsasser TH. Assessment of Total Body Protein Status of Mice by Proton NMR Spectroscopy, J. Anim. Sci. 67 (Suppl1):225, 1989.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Roseburough RW, Elsasser TH, NMR Imaging and Whole Body Proton NMR Spectroscopy of Chicken and Turkey Poult. Poultry Science Association. Poult.Sci 68(Suppl. 1):98, 1989.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC. Analysis of body composition of the pig by three‑dimensional reconstruction of NMR cross‑sectional images. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, July 31‑August 3, 1990, Iowa State University.
- Wang CY, Wang PC. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Chilled and Nonchilled Zucchini Squash. 88th Annual Meeting of American Society of Horticultural Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, July 19‑24, 1991.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC and Evock CM. Body composition analysis of control and GH treated pigs by NMR imaging. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, University of Wyoming, August 6‑9, 1991.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Schmidt WF, Waterman RA and Elsasser TH. In Vivo C13 NMR characterization of the lipid composition of rats fed diets supplemented with triglycerides. FASEB 1991.
- Wang PC, Conway JM, Teal JS. MRI study of volumetric changes in adipose tissue during weight reduction. 16th International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and 9th International Conference on Medical Physics. July 7‑12, Kyoto, Japan, 1991.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Elsasser TH and Schmidt WF. Application of NMR spectroscopy and imaging for body composition analysis related to sequential measurement of energy deposition. 12th Symposium Energy Metabolism of Farm Animal. Switzerland Sep 1‑7, 1991.
- Wutscher HK, Wang PC. NMR Imaging of Water Distribution in the Truck and Scaffold Roots of 'Valencia' Orange Trees with and without Citrus Blight. 88th Ann Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS). July 19‑24, Pennsylvania State University, PA. 1991.
- Wang PC and Wang CY. Study of Chilled and Nonchilled Zucchini Squash By NMR Imaging. 1st Intern'l Conference on NMR Microscopy. September 16‑19, 1991. Heidelberg, Germany.
- Wang PC and Kan LS. Real‑time Imaging of Acute Cadmium Toxicity in Cherrystone Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) by NMR. 1st International Conference on NMR Microscopy. September 16‑19, 1991. Heidelberg, Germany.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF, Schmidt WF. Body Composition Analysis of The Pig by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. International Symposium on in vivo Body Composition Studies. November 10‑12, 1992. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
- Ting P, Wang PC, Tang S, Song HF, Xu S. Neuropathophysio‑Biochemical Profiles of Neonatal Asphyxia. 9th International Symposium of Brain Edema. Tokyo, Japan, May 16‑19, 1993.
- Wang PC, Chen CS, Song HF, Liu YC, Chen CN. The First Direct Evidence of a Unique Drug Epimeric Conversion Shown by in vivo NMR 13C Spectroscopy. 12th Annual Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting. New York, August 14‑20, 1993.
- Ting P, Wang P, Song H, Xu S. Significance of Early Transient Postasphyxic Elevation of ICP in Newborn Lambs. 16th International Symposium on Neonatal Intensive Care, Sanremo, Italy. May 12‑15, 1994.
- Maduh EU, Nealley EW, Wang PC, Song HF, Baskin SI. Cynide stimulates cell energy transients in the brain of miniature swine. Society of Toxicology 33rd Annual Meeting, March 13‑17, The Toxicologist, vol. 14, no. 1 p. 343, 1994.
- Maduh EU, Nealley EW, Wang PC, Song HF, Baskin SI. Protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition ameliorates cyanide‑stimulated cell energy transients in brain of miniature swine. Experimental Biology '94, Anaheim, CA, April 24‑28, FASEB, 1994.
- Yan ZJ, Song HF, Wang PC. Two Methods For Elimination of Baseline Artifacts From the Filter Transient Response. 35th Experimental NMR Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, April 10‑15, 1994.
- Wang PC, Song HF, Yan ZJ. Detection of Hollow Heart and Brown Center of Potatoes by NMR. 35th Experimental NMR Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, April 10‑15, 1994.
- Bond V, Wang P, Adams R, Johnson AT, Tearney RJ, Blakely R, Vaccaro P, Banks M, Don Franks B, Bassett DR. Lower Leg Isokinetic Training and Peripheral Hemodynamic Adaptations. Am. College of Sport Medicine 1995 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 31‑June 3, 1995.
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF, Yan Z and Scholz W. In vivo analysis of muscle metabolism by means of P31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in pigs of different susceptibility. The 36th Experimental NMR Conference, Boston, MA, March 26‑30, 1995.
- Mitchell AD, Song HF, Yan ZC and Wang PC. In vivo measurement of ehionine induced hepatic ATP depletion in rats by P31 NMR spectroscopy. FASEB, vol 9:pA‑192, 1995.
- Chen DT, Frederick TL, Wang PC, Gordon WR and Song HF. NMR Observations on Water Distribution in American Elms Infected with the Dutch elm disease. ABS Bulletin 42(2):91, 1995.
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF and Yan ZJ. NMR Study on Muscle Metabolism and Body Composition of Pigs with different Ryanodine Receptor Genotypes. Third Meeting of SAR, August 19‑25, 1995, Nice, France.
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF, Yan Z, Scholz W. Muscle Metabolism of Pigs with Different Ryanodine Receptor Genotypes Studied by Means of 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. MRIM. 1995
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF, Yan Z. Muscle metabolism of pigs with different ryanodine receptor genotypes studied by means of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. BARC Symposium 1995
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF and Yan ZJ. Muscle and fat deposition of pigs with different ryanodine receptor genotypes from 10 to 90 kg body weight studied by means of magnetic resonance imaging. J. Animal Sci. 73, Suppl.1, 137.
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF and Yan ZJ. Muscle metabolism of pigs with different ryanodine receptor genotypes studies by means of P31‑nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Animal Sci. 73, Suppl. 1, 162.
- Conway JM, Chanetsaa FF, Wang PC. Intra‑abdominal Adipose Tissue and Antropometric Surrogates in Upper and Lower Body Obese Black Women. Int’l Symposium on Body Composition. Malmo, Sweden. Sep 18‑20, 1996.
- Conway JM, Hallfrisch J and Wang PC. Sagittal Diameter as Predictor of Visceral Adipose Tissue and Risk for Disease in Overweight African‑American. North American Association for the Study of Obesity. October 12‑15, 1996.
- Wang PC, Wang CY, Song HF and Yan ZT. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Detects Internal Defects In Potatoes. Am Soc Hort Sci, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 22‑26,1997.
- Ting P, Wang PC. Significance of Early Transient Postasphyxic Elevation of ICP in Newborn Lambs. 10 International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure and Neuromonitoring in Brain Injury. Williamsburg, VA. May 25-29, 1997.
- Scholz AM, Mitchell AD, Wang PC. Muscle Metabolic Changes in Pigs of Different Ostresso Genotypes Studied by Means of 31P and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. EAAP. 1997.
- Mitchell AD, Wang PC, Song HF, Conway JM, Scholz AM. Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Dual –energy X-ray Absorptiometry for the Measurement of Body Composition of Pigs. 8th World Conference on Animal Production, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 1998.
- Wang PC. Biomedical Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy. Symposium on Recent Trends in Physics. FuJen University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 27, 1999.
- Wang PC, Aszalos A, Vick JA. F19 NMR Study of Trifluoperazine Crossing Blood-Brain-Barrier Due To P-glycoprotein Modulation. International Society for Magnetic Resonance 8th Scientific Meeting. Denver, Colorado, 2000.
- Mitchell AD, Scholz AM, Wang PC, Song HF. Prediction of Total Body Composition of Pigs Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis. Experimental Biology 2000, San Diego, CA. 2000.
- Zhou JW, Agwu CE, Li EC, Wang PC. An Improved NMR Perfusion System For Breast Cancer Cell Study. 42nd Experimental NMR Conference, March 11-16, Orlando, FL. 2001.
- Li EC, Wang PC, Sovin JP, Lee E, Roh MS. Seed Germination Observed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 42nd Experimental NMR Conference, March 11-16, Orlando, FL. 2001.
- Ting P, Wang PC, Kinnard L, Herman MM, Cohn R. Early EEG and Diffusion MRI (dMRI) Changes in an Experimental Model of Severe Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL). 2001 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 1, Baltimore, MD. 2001.
- Roh MS, Wang PC, Li EC, Chouihka M. The Influence of Seed Maturity, Cold and Gibberellic Acid Treatments on Germination and Physiological Changes in Styrax Japonicus Seeds. 98th Annual Meeting of American Society for Horticulture Sciences, Sacramento, CA, July 22-25, 2001.
- Agwu EC, Zhou JW, Sridhar R, Wang PC. An Improved NMR Perfusion System For Breast Cancer Cell Study. Association For Academic Minority Physicians 15th Annual Scientific Meeting, October 12-14, Washington, DC. 2001. Zhang RS, Li EC, Ali YD, Song HF, Fan KJ, Pirollo KF, Chang EH, Wang PC. Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Prostate Cancer in Mice. American Association for Cancer Research, Molecular Imaging Conference, January 23-27, 2002, Orlando, Fl.
- Wang PC, Zhou JW, Agwu CE, Li E, Sridhar R. An Improved Perfusion System for NMR Study of Breast Cancer Cells. Era of Hope 2002, September 25-28, 2002, Orlando, Fl.
- Kinnard L, Lo S-C.B, Wang PC, Freedman MT, Chouikha M, Separation of Malignant and Benign Masses in Mammography using Maximum-Likelihood Modeling and Neural Networks. SPIE Med Imaging, 2002.
- Kinnard L, Lo S-C. B, Freedman MT, Wang PC, Chouikha M. Likelihood features with circular processing-based neural network for the enhancement of mammographic mass classification. SPIE Med Imaging, February 15-20, 2003, San Diego, CA.
- Wang PC, Aszalos A, Li E, Zhang R, Song H. A Pharmacokinetic Study of Trifluoperazine Crossing Blood-Brain-Barrier Due to P-glycoprotein Modulation. ISMRM, Workshop on Dynamic Spectroscopy and Measurement of Physiology and Function. September 6-8, 2003, Orlando, Fl.
- Kinnard L, Lo SB, Makariou E, Osicka T, Wang PC, Freeman M, Chouikha M. Likelihood Function Analysis For Segmentation of Mammographic Masses For Various Margin Groups. International Society of Biomedical Imaging, April 15-18, 2004, Arlington, VA.
- Wang PC, Aszalos A, Li E, Zhang R, Song H, Malveaux R. A NMR Study of Trifluoperazine Crossing Blood-Brain-Barrier Due to P-glycoprotein Modulation. ISMRM 12th Annual Meeting, May 17-21, 2004, Kyoto, Japan.
- Wang PC, Li E, Zhang R, Song H, Pirollo K, Chang EH. MR Image Enhancement by Tumor Cell Targeted Immunoliposome Complex Delivered Contrast Agent. Society for Molecular Imaging 3rd Annual Meeting, September 9-12, 2004, St. Louis, MO.
- Manaye KF, Wang PC, O’Neil J, Oei A, Song H, Tizabi Y, Ingram DK, Mouton PR. In vivo and In vitro Stereological Analysis of Hippocampal and Brain Volumes in Young and Old APP/PS1 Mice Using Magnetic Resonance Neuroimages. Society of Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting, October 23-27, 2004, San Diego, CA.
- Wang PC, Aszalos A, Li E, Zhang R, Song HF, Malveaux R. Increased Transport of Trifluoperazine Across the Blood-Brain-Barrier Due to Modulation of P-glycoprotein. 9th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities. December 8-11, 2004, Baltimore, MD.
- Agwu CL, Zhou J, Li E, Sridhar R, Wang PC. NMR Studies of Phosphorus Metabolites of Breast Cancer Cells Using An Improved Cell Perfusion System Applications for the Improved NMR Perfusion System for Breast Cancer Cell Study. 9th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities. December 8-11, 2004, Baltimore, MD.
- Manaye KF, Wang PC, O’Neil J, Oei A, Song HF, Tizabi Y, Ingram DK, Mouton PR. In-Vivo and In-vitro Stereological Analysis of Hippocampal and Brain Volumes in Young and Old APP/PS1 Mice Using Magnetic Resonance Neuroimages. 9th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities. December 8-11, 2004, Baltimore, MD.
- Haddad GE, Wang PC, Coleman BR, Zhao A, Blackwell KN. Protein Kinase Regulation of Atrial Contraction during Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy. 9th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities. December 8-11, 2004, Baltimore, MD.
- Ting P, Wang PC, Cohn R. Early neurophysiologic-pathological Profiles in an Experimental Model of Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL). Hot Topic in Neonatology. December 12-14, 2004, Washington, DC.
- Zhao A, Teos LY, Wang PC, Blackwell KN, Haddad GE. Alterations in ANG II and IGF-1 signaling pathways during eccentric cardiac hypertrophy. Experimental Biology/ 35th Int Congress of Physiological Sciences, FASB 19(4): A557, 2005, March 31-April 5, 2005, San Diego, CA.
- Wang PC, Pirollo K, Song HF, Shan L, Bhujwalla Z, Chang E. Evaluation of Transferrin Receptor Targeted Immunoliposome Contrast Agent Delivery System for In Vivo MR Imaging in Solid Tumor Xenografts. The Society of Molecular Imaging 4th Annual Meeting, September 7-10, 2005, Cologne, Germany.
- Freedman M, Pirollo K, Fricke S, Wang PC, Chang E. Imaging of pancreatic carcinoma xenografts in athymic nude mice with carcinoma selective transferrin receptor targeting gadopentetate dimeglumine contrast agent. Radiological Society of North America 2005 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov 27- Dec 2, 2005.
- Zhao A, Teos LY, Wang PC, Blackwell KN, Haddad GE. Alterations in ANGII and IGF-1 signaling pathways during eccentric cardiac hypertrophy. FASEB J, 19(4): A557, 2005
- Zhao A, Wang PC, Wang S, Li C, Laurence GG, Teos L, Haddad GE. Effects of ACE-Inhibition on ANG II and IGF-1 signaling during development and regression of eccentric cardiac hypertrophy. FASEB J. 495.3,.A834, 2006
- Wang PC, Shan L, Wang S, Sridhar R, Bhujwalla Z, A Dual Probe with both Fluorescent and MR Reporters for Imaging Solid Tumor Xenografts. The Society of Molecular Imaging 5th Annual Meeting, August 29-September 2, 2006, Big Island, HI.
- Shan L, Wang SP, Zhou YF, Wang PC. In Vivo Optical Imaging of Transferrin Receptors: Visualization of Tumor Biomarkers. 5th Asia Pacific Organization of Cell Biology, Oct 27-30, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Wang PC, Shan L, Wang SP, Sridhar R, Bhujwalla ZM. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MR Probe. 10th RCMI International Symposium, Dec 13-16, 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Chang, Hon-Yen Hsu, James Hsu, Wei-Cheng Yao, Ming-Sin Hsu, Ming-Chung Chen, Shi-Chen Lee, Charles Hsu, Lidan Miao, Kenny Byrd, Mohamed F. Chouikha, Xin-Bin Gu, Paul C. Wang, Harold Szu. Nonintrusive methodology for wellness baseline profiling. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, “Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Nano-Biomimetic Sensors, and Neural Networks V”, April 9-13, 2007, Orlando, Fl.
- Zhang R, Shan L, Zhou YF, Wang PC, Sridhar R. Rapid detection of cell death in a bioluminescent human breast cancer cell line subjected to hyperthermia. American Association for Cancer Research. April 14-18, 2007. Los Angeles, CA.
- Wang PC, Shan L, Hao Y, Zhang D, Zhang R, Korotcov A, Wang TX, Califano J, Gu X. Optical Imaging of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Xenografts Using Near-infrared Fluorescent Transferrin Conjugate. Joint Molecular Imaging Conference, pp.318, Providence, RI, Sep 8-11, 2007
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MR Probe. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. vol 34(1):95, YiChang, China, Oct 12-15, 2007.
- Liang XJ, Wang PC. Circumventing Malignant Tumors by Innovative and Effective Nanoparticle as Novel Chemotherapeutic Agent. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Vol 34(1):104, YiChang, China, Oct 12-15, 2007.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MR Probe, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China. Oct 9. 2007.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Tumor in Small Animals. NanChang, JiangXi, China. Oct 12, 2007.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct 24, 2007.
- Wang PC. Studying of Solid Tumor in Small Animals Using Various Imaging Modalities. National Chung Shing University, TaiChung, Taiwan. Oct 26, 2007.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging Laboratory. Howard University Nanotechnology Symposium. Nov 5-6, 2007.
- Wang PC. Howard University Molecular Imaging Laboratory, National Children’s Hospital, Washington, DC, January 9, 2008.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. Howard University Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, February 14, 2008.
- Wang PC, Wang TX, Shan L, Wang SP, Korotcov A. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor in Small Animal Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. BIROW, Rockville, MD, Jan 17-19, 2008.
- Shan L, Korotcov A, Wang SP, Wang TX, Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor in Small Animal Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. Cancer Nanobiology Think Tank, NCI, Fredrick, MD, May 24, 2008.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging Laboratory at Howard University. Era of Hope: Building Networks Symposium. Baltimore, MD, June 24-25, 2008
- Wang TX, Shan L, Korotcov A, Wang SP, Zhou YF, Wang PC. Surface Coating and Bioconjugating of Quantum Dots for Non-invasive Detection of Breast Cancer. Era of Hope. Baltimore, MD, June 25-28, 2008.
- Shan L, Wang SP, Zhou YF, Korotcov A, Zhang RS, Wang TX, Sridhar R, Bhujwalla ZM, Wang PC. Targeted Fluorescent Liposome Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging of Breast Cancer Xenografts in Mouse. Era of Hope. Baltimore, MD, June 25-28, 2008.
- Korotcov A, Shan L, Wang SP, Wang TX, Sridhar R, Bhujwalla ZM, Wang PC. Targeted DCE-MRI for Imaging and Characterization of Solid Tumor Xenografts. Era of Hope. Baltimore, MD, June 25-28, 2008.
- Wang PC, Zhang RS, Sridhar R, Shan L. Imaging Molecular Events Underlying HC11 Mammary Epithelial Cell Differentiation. World Molecular Imaging Congress. Nice, France, September 10-13, 2008.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. Xiamen, China, October 6, 2008.
- Wang PC. Lecture Series: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Chinese National Center for Nanosciences and Technology. Beijing, China, October 8, 10, 12 and 14, 2008.
- Wang PC. Howard University Molecular Imaging Laboratory. Howard University Nanotechnology Symposium. Nov 11, 2008.
- Korotcov AV, Shan L, Wang SP, Wang T, Chen Y, Sridhar R, Bhujwalla ZM, Wang PC. Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Solid Tumor Xenografts using Transferrin-conjugated Liposomal Nanocomplex. Howard University Nanotechnology Symposium. Nov 11, 2008.
- Shan L. A Cell-based Imaging Technique for High Throughput Screening of Disruptors of Mammary Gland Differentiation. Howard University Nanotechnology Symposium. Nov 11, 2008.
- Wang T, Sridhar R, Ting AH, Francis K, Mitchell J, Wang PC. Synthesis of Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers as Multidentate Ligands for Surface Coating of Quantum Dots. Howard University Nanotechnology Symposium. Nov 11, 2008.
- Wang PC. Dual Fluorescent and MR Probe and High Throughput Screening Using Optical Imaging Method. Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China. February 13, 2009.
- Wang PC. Visualizing head and neck tumors in vivo using near-infrared fluorescent transferrin conjugate. Metropolitan Biophotonics Symposium, Washington DC April 6, 2009.
- Korotcov A, Shan L, Wang PC. A Nanocomplex System as Targeted Contrast Agent Delivery Vehicle for MRI Dynamic-Contrast-Enhancement Study. ChinaNANO 2009, Beijing, China, Sep 1-3, 2009.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. Peking University, September 4, 2009.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MR Probe. Shanhai University, September 8, 2009.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, September 11, 2009.
- Wang TX, Wang PC. Synthesis of Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers with Multidentate Ligands for Surface Coating of Quantum Dots. 2009 World Molecular Imaging Congress. Montreal, Canada, Sep 23-26, 2009.
- Wang PC. Dual Probe with Fluorescent and Magnetic Properties for Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts. Howard University, MD/PhD Seminar, January 27, 2010.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts Using a Dual Fluorescent and MRI Probe. George Washington University, Department of Chemistry Seminar, January 29, 2010.
- Wang PC. Nanoparticles as Carriers of Contrast Agents for MRI and Optical Imaging. McDonnell Foundation, Howard University, March 11, 2010.
- Wang PC, Meng H, Liang XJ. Metallofullerene nanoparticles circumvent tumor resistance to cisplatin by reactivating endocytosis. College of Medicine Research Day, Howard University, April 30, 2010.
- Wang PC, Meng H, Zhao YL, Liang XJ. Overcoming Tumor Resistance to Cisplatin By Metallofullerene Nanoparticles. 5th Annual Nanobiology Thinktank, Frederick, MD, June 3, 2010.
- Wang PC, Meng H, Zhao YL, Liang XJ. Metallofullerene Nanoparticles Improve Defective Endocytosis to Circumvent Tumor Resistance To Cisplatin. 2010 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Kyoto, Japan, Sep 8-11, 2010.
- Korotcov AV, Ye Y, Chen Y, Sridhar R, Wang PC. Fluorescent Glucosamine Linked Near-infared Fluorescent Probes for Noninvasive Imaging of Solid Tumor Xenografts. World Molecular Imaging Congress, Kyoto, Japan, Sep 8-11, 2010.
- Ye Y, Korotcov AV, Xu B, Bloch S, Chen Y, Wang PC, Achilefu S. Novel Divalent Disulfide-based Cyclic RGD Peptides for Integrin-targeted Tumor Optical Imaging. World Molecular Imaging Congress. Kyoto, Japan, Sept 08-11, 2010.
- Wang PC. Nanoparticles as Carriers of Contrast Agents for MRI and Optical Imaging, TianJing University, TianJing, China, Oct 22, 2010.
- Wang PC. Applications of Nanotechnology in Medical Imaging and Targeted Drug Delivery, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 1, 2010.
- Wang PC. Nanotechnology in Medicine, National TsingHwa University, HsiChu, Taiwan, Dec. 8, 2010.
- McDonald MA, Wang PC, Siegel E. Protein Nanospheres: Synergistic Nanoplatform-Based Probes for Multimodality Imaging, SPIE, San Diego CA, Feb 2011.
- Korotcov AV, Wang T, Chen Y, Sridhar R, Mitchell J, Wang PC. 31P NMR Study of Thiol Mediated Degradation of TOPO-Quantum Dots. Howard University College of Medicine Research Day, Howard University, April 15 2011.
- Korotcov AV, Ishibashi N, Korotcova L, Chen Y, Stephen L, Scafidi J, Murata A, Zurakowski D, Gallo V, Jonas RA, Wang PC. Use of MRI, MRS and DTI to Assess Cerebral White Matter Cellular Response to Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Porcine Bypass Survival Model. Howard University College of Medicine Research Day, Howard University, April 15 2011.
- Ye Y, Chen Y, Huang S, Korotcov A, Wang P. Optical imaging of prostate cancer by near-infrared fluorescent divalent RGD compounds. Howard University College of Medicine Research Day, Howard University, April 15 2011.
- Sha W, Gu XB, Guo YH, Wang PC, Sukumar S, Zhou YF, Salvianolic Acid B inhibits both ER-α +/- breast cancer cell growth in vivo and in vitro. AACR, Orlando, FL, April 4-6, 2011.
- Korotcov AV, Wang T, Chen Y, Sridhar R, Mitchell J, Wang PC. 31P NMR Study of Thiol Mediated Degradation of TOPO-Quantum Dots. Era of Hope, Orlando, FL, August 2-5, 2011.
- Korotcov AV, Wang T, Sridhar R, Wang PC Study of TOPO-Quantum Dot Degradation by 31P NMR. World Congress of Molecular Imaging, San Diego, CA, Sep 9-10, 2011.
- Wang PC, Liang XJ. Applications of Nanoparticles for In Vivo Imaging, ChinaNano 2011, Beijing, China, Sep 6-9, 2011.
- Wang PC. Nanoparticles as Targeted Drug Delivery Vehicles for Molecular Imaging and Chemotherapy Applications. Hebei People’s Hospital, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, Sep 13, 2011.
- Wang PC. Nanoparticles as Targeted Drug Delivery Vehicles for Molecular Imaging and Chemotherapy Applications. Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, Sep 15, 2011.
- Wang PC. Applications of Nanoparticles for In Vivo Imaging. Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Sep 16, 2011.
- Wang PC. Nanoparticles as Targeted Drug Delivery Vehicles for Molecular Imaging and Chemotherapy Applications. Chinese National Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Beijing, China, Sep 16, 2011.
- Wang PC. Nanoparticles as Targeted Drug Delivery Vehicles for Molecular Imaging and Chemotherapy Applications. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, November 18, 2011.
- Wu CS, Huang S, Korotcov, Lin S, Andreev OA, Reshetnyak YK, Wang PC. pH Sensitive Nanoprobe for Tumor Targeting. Howard University College of Medicine, Research Day Symposium, April 13, 2012
- Lin S, Korotcov A, Wu CS, Oh L, Wang PC. In vivo and ex vivo brain and spine magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis mouse model. Howard University College of Medicine, Research Day Symposium, April 13, 2012
- Wang1 PC, Wang TX, Korotcov AV, Sridhar R, Chen Y, Mitchell J. Study of TOPO-Quantum Dot Degradation by 31P NM, The 6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology, Beijing, September 4-7, 2012.
- Huang R, Gao RM, Drain CM, Wang PC, Gu XB, Imidazole-modified porphyrin ring (TIEBAP) fro photodynamic therapy in cisplatin-resistant oral carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. 13th International RCMI Symposium on Health Disparity. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec 10-13, 2012.
- Korotcov AV, Ishibashi N, Korotcova L, Chen Y, Lin S, Jonas RA, Wang PC. Cerebral white matter response to cardiopulmonary bypass in piglets. 13th International RCMI Symposium on Health Disparity. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec 10-13, 2012.
- Lin S, Korotcov AV, Wu CS, Oh L, Wang PC. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of multiple sclerosis mice. 13th International RCMI Symposium on Health Disparity. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec 10-13, 2012.
- Wang PC. Introduction of Molecular Imaging laboratory at Howard University. 13th International RCMI Symposium on Health Disparity. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec 10-13, 2012.
- Wright D, Lin S, Lin PC, Wu CS, Zhang D, Duerinckx A, Wang PC, Lee DL. Renal oxygenation levels are decreased in Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor - α knockout mice during Angiotensin II hypertension. College of Medicine Research Day, Howard University, Washington DC, April 3, 2013.
- Wright D, Lin S, Lin PC, Wu CS, Zhang D, Duerinckx A, Wang PC, Lee DL. Renal oxygenation levels are decreased in Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor - α knockout mice during Angiotensin II hypertension. DB Johnson Distinguished Lecture, Howard University, Washington DC, April 3, 2013.
- Wang PC. Applications of Nanotechnology in Medical Imaging and Targeted Drug Delivery. Howard University Cancer Center, July 2.
- Zhang FY, Shan L, Liu YY, Neville D, Woo JH, Chen Y, Korotcov A, Lin S, Huang S, Sridhar R, Liang W, Wang PC. An Anti-PSMA Bivalent Immunotoxin Exhibits Specificity and Efficacy for Prostate Cancer Imaging and Therapy, ChinaNano 2013, Beijing, China, Sep 4-7, 2013.
- Wang PC, Introduction of Howard University Biomedical Imaging Core. RTRN Research Resources Spotlight Webinar, Sep 26, 2013.
- Wright D, Lin S, Lin PC, Wu CS, Zhang D, Duerinckx A, Wang PC, Lee DL. Measuring Renal Oxygenation in a Mouse Model of Volume-Dependent Hypertension using BOLD MRI. Radiological Society of Northern America, Chicago, IL, Dec 1-6, 2013.
- Wang PC. Molecular Imaging and Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Vehicles. Industrial Technology Research Institute, HsiChu, Taiwan, Dec.10. 2013.
- Wang PC, Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Instrumentation. Fu Jen University Department of Electrical Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 11, 2013
- Wang PC. Introduction of Howard University Molecular Imaging laboratory. Fu Jen University Medical School, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 13, 2013.
- Zhang Z, Wang J, Nie X, Chen C, Wang PC. Near Infrared Laser Mediated Targeted Tumor Thermo-chemotherapy Using Thermosensitive Polymer Coated Gold Nanoparticles. Howard University Research Day 2014. Washington DC. April 4, 2014.
- Shan L, Lin S, Lin PC, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Wang PC. Engineered Antibody Fragments and Immunotoxin for Targeted Imaging and Therapy of Prostate Cancer. Howard University Research Day 2014. Washington DC. April 4, 2014.
- Lin S, Shan L, Lin PC, Zhang Z, Gu X, Wang PC. Construction of Transferrin Receptor–targeted Multi-modality Agents for Cancer Imaging. Howard University Research Day 2014. Washington DC. April 4, 2014.