- 110/07:劉冠萌,場域學習性資料增強策略在少數標註醫學影像分割之應用 Domain Learnable Data Augmentation Stragety on Few Labeled Data for the Application of Medical Image Segmentation
- 110/07:鍾定倫,巢狀模型用於醫學影片幀插值 X-ray Video Frame Interpolation Using Nested Architecture
- 110/07:吳明倫,脈衝神經網路於物件辨識與人類活動識別 Object Classification and Human Activity Recognition Using Spiking Neural Network
- 110/07:王少恩,植基於動態視覺感測器與脈衝神經網路之物件偵測方法 Pedestrian Detection Based on Dynamic Vision Sensor with Spiking Neural Network
- 110/07:石培言,深層堆疊交叉優化單元與生成對抗式網路於顯著物件偵測之研究 The Study of Deeper Stacked Cross Refinement Unit and Generative Adversarial Nets for Salient Object Detection
- 110/01:平岱菲(Steffi Agino Priyanka) (博士),影像強化之機器學習方法研究 The study of machine learning approach for image enhancement
- 108/07:吳孟澤,基於身體部位的多任務密集網路之人物再辨識方法 Body Part Multi-task Dense Network for Image-based Person Re-identification
- 108/07:孫崇斌,基於連續影像行人再識別之多階相似度感知遞歸卷積網路 Multi-level Similarity Perception Recurrent Convolutional Network for Video-based Person Re-identification
- 108/06:胡啟恩,單一任務聯合學習模型應用於在線多物件追蹤 Online Multiple Object Tracking with a Single Task Joint Learning Model
- 108/06:陳天佑,多領域聯合學習深度特徵表示與有效重新排序的人物再辨識方法 Multi-domain Joint Learning Deep Feature Representation with Effective Re-ranking for Person Re-identification
- 107/09:陳泓諭(博士),以視覺為基礎之嵌入式老人睡眠檢測系統 Vision-based Portable Embedded System for Elders’ Sleep Monitoring
- 107/06:郭雅諒,多領域聯合學習行人偵測方法於四旋翼直升機之應用 Multi-Domain Joint Learning on Pedestrian Detection for the Application of Quadrotor
- 106/06:吳律明,Retinex演算法於Zynq FPGA之實現 Retinex by Zynq FPGA Implementation
- 106/06:朱家甫,尤拉和盲源分離方法於非接觸式心跳測量之應用 Eulerian and Blind Source Separation Applied to Non-Contact Heart Rate Measurement
- 106/01:許承庭,應用於多重曝光高動態影像之梯度式去偽影法 A Gradient Deghosting Method for Multi-exposure High Dynamic Range Imaging
- 106/01:施有政,即時雙邊濾波器於 FPGA 之實現 Real-Time Bilateral Filter by FPGA Implementation
- 105/06:戴元駿,縮時融合演算法平行化之實現,The Implementation of Parallelization for Time-Lapse Fusion Algorithm
- 105/06:陳宗霆,顏色偵測演算法於多核心數位訊號處理嵌入式系統之實現, The Implementation of Color Detection Algorithm on Multi-core DSP Based Embedded System
- 105/06:王俊平,PTZ攝影裝置旋轉平台及其自動定位方法, An Automated Positioning Method for the Rotating Platform of PTZ Cameras
- 105/01:陳冠宇,方向梯度直方圖於Zynq之硬體實現, Hardware Implementation of Histogram of Oriented Gradients on Zynq
- 105/01:童筱蓉,夜間影像強化, Night Image Enhancement
- 104/07:范景棠(博士),大型視訊監控系統視訊分析演算法之研究,The Study on Visual Analytics for Large-scale Video Surveillance Systems
- 104/07:蔡忠軒,以能量最佳化實現多物件追蹤之長程軌跡修正,Long-term Trajectory Correction by Energy Optimization for Multi-target Tracking
- 103/07:梁仲偉,以Quadtree為基礎之快速物件偵測器,Quadtree-based Fast Object Detector
- 103/07:陳建富,車道攝影機異常偵測,Traffic Camera Anomaly Detection
- 103/01:游憲杰,以視覺為基礎之導引控制設計於四旋翼直升機,A Vision Based Guidance Control Design to Quadrotor Helicopter
- 102/06:陳建儒,以視覺為基礎之睡眠檢測系統,Vision-based Sleep Monitoring System
- 102/06:王惟懌,抗光源人臉辨識方法之探討, The Study of Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Methods
- 102/06:邱郁承,視訊分析於睡眠品質評估之研究,The Study of Video Analysis for Sleep Quality Assessment
- 102/06:劉劍剴,自動視覺對位於SMT電路板BGA重工之應用,Automatic Vision Placer for BGA Rework of SMT Circuit Board
- 102/01:張家瑋,以多層次深度推論及光源估測進行單張影像除霧,Single Image Defogging by Multi-level Depth Inference and Airlight Estimation
- 101/06:程克羽,使用顯著區域供現實視訊監控使用之即時攝影機異常偵測,Real-Time Camera Anomaly Detection Using Salient Region for Real-World Video Surveillance
- 101/06:高振軒,即時強健背景相減法之硬體電路實現,Hardware Implementation of Realtime Robust Background Subtraction
- 100/06:黃耀慶,多攝影機監控視訊摘要以物件為主之關鍵畫面提取方法,Summarization of Multi-view Surveillance Videos by an Object-Based Key Frame Extraction Method
- 100/06:高念慈,以模型粒子濾波器進行人臉角度估測,A Model -Based Particle Filter for 3D Head Pose Estimation
- 100/06:黃紋彬,一個平行化Retinex演算法之實現與分析,Implementation and Analysis of A Parallel Retinex Algorithm
- 100/06:陳劭昂,即時穿戴式視覺系統之設計與實現,The Design and Implementation of A Real-Time Wearable Vision System
- 100/06:高志明,一個低功耗嵌入式視覺感測器之設計與實現,The Design and Implementation of an Embedded Vision Sensor with Low Power Consumption
- 98/06:鄭匡佑,一個新的貝氏網路人體姿態估測方法,A Novel Human Pose Estimation Method with Bayesian Network
- 98/06:王麗雅,以物件為主之監控影片關鍵畫面萃取方法,Abstraction of Surveillance Video by a Novel Object-Based Key Frame Extraction Method
- 98/06:黃才荏,以降維分析法進行影像超解析之研究,The Study of Dimension Reduction Methods for Image Super-resolution
- 98/06:陳登聖,以色彩恆常法進行膚色偵測之研究,The Study of Color Constancy for Skin Color Detection
- 97/06:陳泓諭,以FPGA實現即時移動物件偵測系統,Hardware Implementation of Real-time Moving Object Detection with FPGA
- 97/06:陳維荏,以流形學習法建立容貌模型以進行臉部特徵萃取,Facial Feature Extraction by Manifold Learning of Appearance Model
- 96/06:黃俊豪,以區別共同向量進行臉部表情辨識,Facial Expression Recognition with Discriminative Common Vector}
- 96/06:王金發,人臉偵測於數位相機自動對焦之應用,The Application of Face Detection TO Auto Focusing of Digital Still Camera
- 96/06:溫培根,應用統計方法之PCB瑕疵檢測,Defect Detection of PCB Assembly with Statistics Method
- 96/06:胡永祥,智慧型視訊分析於行動網路視覺監控之應用,Intelligent Video Analysis for Visual Surveillance over Mobile Networks
- 96/06:林柏達,複雜背景的影片中以時間-空間方法偵測與追蹤文字,A Spatio-Temporal Approach for Video Text Detection and Tracking in Complex Background
- 95/06:丁一能,以學生-問題分析法診斷學生認知狀態之情境感知學習-以計算機概論教學為例,Context Aware Learning by Diagnosing Student's Cognitive States with the Student-Problem Analysis - A Case Study on Introductory Computer Science Course
- 95/06:游超群,使用隱藏式馬可夫模型從事頭部姿勢辨識,Head Gesture Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model
- 95/06:徐群芳,使用連續型馬可夫模型從事臉部表情辨識,Facial Expression Recognition Using Continuous Markov Model
- 95/06:詹志明,頻率域濾波器於車輛牌照定位之應用,Vehicle License Plate Localization Using Frequency Filter
- 95/06:蘇家祥,彩色影像中以貝氏定理為基礎之移動物件偵測,A Bayesian Approach for Moving Object Detection in Color Videos
- 94/06:楊子文,蟻式行動代理人於分散式學習資源搜尋之應用,The Application of Ant Agents to the Retrieval of Distributed Learning Resources
- 94/06:陳建銘,以分類方式進行影片中文字的偵測,A Classification Approach for Video Text Detection
- 94/06:林育智,以整體式類神經網路進行影像之分類,Content-based Image Classification Using Neural Network Ensemble
- 94/06:陳品樺,利用空間與時間軸小波轉換進行場景變換偵測,Shot Change Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Wavelet Transform
- 94/06:蔣安平,有限狀態機於情境感知行動學習之應用,Context Aware Mobile Learning with Finite State Machines
- 94/06:廖立韡,以高斯混合模型進行無線區域網路之位置定位,Gaussian Mixture Modeling for Location Positioning in Wireless LAN
- 93/06:陳少華,2+1維小波轉換移動偵測法於視訊物件萃取之應用,2+1D Wavelet-based Motion Detection for Video Object Extraction
- 93/06:林育生,視訊中車輛與行人之辨認與追蹤,Classification and Tracking of Vehicles and Pedestrians in Video
- 93/06:黃正瑋,基因晶片影像自動切割方法之研究,An Automated Segmentation Approach for DNA Microarrary Image
- 93/06:戴璟信,汽車導航系統儲存裝置抗震性之分析,The Vibration Study of Storage Media in Vehicle Navigation System
- 92/06:張智堯,以隱藏式馬可夫模型來分析視訊語意內涵之研究,The Study of Semantic Analysis in Video Using Hidden Markov Model
- 92/06:施威州,多媒體內容擷取之事件偵測,Event Detection for Content-based Multimedia Retrieval
- 90/06:林瑛豪,地點相關服務之技術研究,The Research of Location-dependent Service