- B. Hang, B. Zhang, L. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Ren and Z. Han, Supplementary Information for "A User Association Policy for UAV-aided Time-varying Vehicular Networks with Multi-access Edge Computing"
- M. Wang, B. Zhang, J. Yu, and Z. Han, Supplementary Information for "Contract-Based Cache Renting Mechanism in UAV-Assisted 5G Networks," Submitted to ISWCS 2019.
- Y. Chen, B. Zhang, M. Wang, T. Xu, and Z. Han, "Supplementary Information for 'An Indirect-Reciprocity Game Theoretic Framework for D2D Multicast'"
- M. Wang, B. Zhang, J. Yu, and Z. Han, "Supplementary Information for 'Long-Term Contract Design for Traffic Off-Loading in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks'"
- B. Zhang, X. Mao, J. Yu, and Z. Han, “Resource Allocation for 5G Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks With D2D Communication: A Matching and Coalition Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67 , no. 7, pp., 5883 - 5894. July 2018. (SCI: , EI: , ISSN 0018-9545, IF=29/260, 4.432).[余金郎]
- 余金郎,"Blind and semi-blind channel estimation with fast convergence for MIMO-OFDM systems",Signal Processing,Vol. 95,Issue 2,February 2014,pp.1-9 (SCI).[余金郎]
- B.ZHANG,K.CHEN,余金郎,S. CHENG,"Two-Level Bargaining Game Modeling for Cooperation Stimulation in Spectrum Leasing",IEICE Trans. Communications,Vol. E96-B,No. 7,July 2013,pp.1953-1961 (SCI,EI).[余金郎]
- Jung-Lang Yu、Chun-Hsien Wu、Ming-Feng Lee,"MC-CDMAMIMO systems with quasi-orthogonal space–time block codes: Channel estimation and multiuser detection",International Journal of Communication Systems,Vol. 25,No. 3,March 2012,pp.294-313 (SCI, EI).[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu、M.C. Lee、C.H. Chen,"Performances of Block Matrix Scheme for SIMO OFDM Systems without Cyclic Prefix",International Journal of Electrical Engineering,Vol. 18,No. 2,May 2011,pp.63-72 (EI).[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu 、D.Y. Hong,"A Novel Subspace Channel Estimation with Fast Convergence for ZP-OFDM Systems",IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,Vol. 10,No. 10,October 2011,pp.3168-3173 (SCI, EI). [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu,"Multiuser Receivers for MC-CDMA MIMO Systems with Space-Time Block Codes",Signal Processing,Vol. 89,No. 1,January 2009,pp.99-110 (SCI, EI)[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu、Yin-Cheng Lin,"Space-Time Coded MIMO ZP-OFDM Systems: Semi-Blind Channel Estimation and Equalization",IEEE Trans. Circuit and Systems –I,Vol. 56,No. 7,July 2009,pp.1360-1372 (SCI, EI).[SCI][余金郎]
- J.L. Yu、Yin-Cheng Lin,"Comments on ‘Semi-Blind Channel Estimation and Equalization for MIMO Space-Time Coded OFDM",IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper,Vol. 55,No. 11,December 2008 (SCI, EI) [余金郎]
- Jung-Lang Yu、Chia-Hao Chen,"A Low-Complexity Bock Linear Smoothing Channel Estimation for SIMO-OFDM Systems without Cyclic Prefix",IEICE Trans. Communications,No. 4,April 2008,pp.1076-1083 (SCI)[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu, Chih-Lung Hung and I-Ting Lee , “ A two-stage partially adaptive linear receiver for CDMA MIMO systems with Alamouti's space–time block codes ,” Digital Signal Processing , vol 17, Issue 1, pp 244-260, Jan. 2007 . (SCI, EI) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu, “A low-complexity two-stage receivers for Space-Time block Coded CDMA MIMO systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 87, Issue 7, pp. 1626-1641, July, 2007(EI,SCI) (NSC-93-2213-E-030-014)[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu, “Multiuser Receivers for MC-CDMA 2IMO Systems with Space-Time Block Codes,” submitted to Signal Processing, Dec. 20, 2007 (EI,SCI) (in 1st revision) (NSC-95-2221-E-030-006-)[余金郎]
- J. L. Yu,"A low-complexity two-stage receivers for Space-Time block Coded CDMA MIMO systems",Signal Processing,Vol. 87,No. 7,July 2007,pp. 1626-1641.[余金郎]
- J. L. Yu、Chih-Lung Hung、I. T. Lee,"A two-stage partially adaptive linear receiver for CDMA MIMO systems with Alamouti"s space–time block codes",Digital Signal Processing,Vol. 17,No. Issue 1,January 2007,pp. 244-260.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu,"Channel Estimation for SIMO OFDM Systems without Cyclic Prefix",Electronics Letters,Vol. 43,No. 24,November 2007,pp.1369-1371 (SCI, EI) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and I-Ting Lee , “ MIMO Capon Receiver and Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded CDMA systems ,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , Vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 3023-3028, Nov., 2006 (EI,SCI) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu, C.L. Hung and I-Ting Lee , “ Performance Enhancement of Capon Multiuser Receiver for CDMA systems with Space-Time Block Codes ,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 13, no.3, pp253-259, Aug. 2006 . (EI) [余金郎][J.L. Yu, C.L. Hung and I-Ting Lee ,]
- J. L. Yu、I. T. Lee,"MIMO Capon Receiver and Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded CDMA systems",IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication,Vol. 5,No. 11,November 2006,pp. 3023-3028.[余金郎]
- J. L. Yu 、C.L. Hung、I. T. Lee,"Performance Enhancement of Capon Multiuser Receiver for CDMA systems with Space-Time Block Codes",International Journal of Electrical Engineering,Vol. 13,No. 3,August 2006,pp. 253-259.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu, C.M. Kuo and C.C. Lin , “ Blind channel estimation for MC-CDMA systems with long spreading codes ,” Signal Processing , Vol. 85, Issue 10, pp. 1898-1906, Oct., 2005(EI,SCI) (NSC-92-2213-E-030-011) [余金郎]
- Jung-Lang Yu、Chih-Chan Lin,"Studies on Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems with Space-Time Block Codes",Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering,Vol. 39,No. 1,December 2005,pp. 93-109.[余金郎]
- J. L. Yu、C. M. Kuo、C. C. Lin,"Blind channel estimation for MC-CDMA systems with long spreading codes",Signal Processing,Vol. 85,No. 10,October 2005,pp. 1898-1906.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu , “ 空時碼 CDMA 系統之接收機設計與效能分析 ” 國科會專題研究計畫成果報告 , (NSC-93-2213-E-030-014) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and D.B. Lin, “ Cumulant-based Blind Signal Separations with Subspace Projection Techniques in Multipath Propagation,” Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering , No.38, pp53-64, Dec. 2004. (NSC-90-2213-E-030-007) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and Y.C. Cheng, “ Blind Estimation of Finite Alphabet Digital Signals Using Eigenspace-Based Beamforming Techniques ,” Signal Processing, Vol. 84, Issue 5, pp. 895-905, May, 2004(EI,SCI) (NSC-90-2213-E-030-007) [余金郎]
- J. L. Yu、D. B. Lin,"Cumulant-based Blind Signal Separations with Subspace Projection Techniques in Multipath Propagation",Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering,Vol. 38,No. 1,December 2004,pp. 53-64.[余金郎]
- J. L. Yu、Y. C. Cheng,"Blind Estimation of Finite Alphabet Digital Signals Using Eigenspace-Based Beamforming Techniques",Signal Processing,May 2004,pp. 895-905.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and C.L. Hung, “ GSC-based multiuser detection for space-time coded CDMA,” Proceedings of 2003 International Symposium on Communications , Taiwan , R.O.C. Dec. 2003. (NSC-92-2213-E-030-011) [余金郎]
- 。 J.L. Yu , “ 多載波分碼多工存取系統的盲目通道估測與多使用者偵測技術之研究 ” 國科會專題研究計畫成果報告 , (NSC-92-2213-E-030-011) [余金郎]
- 。 J. L. Yu、Y. C. Cheng,"Blind Separation of Co-Channel Digital Signals with Subspace-based Iterative Least-Square Techniques",Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering,Vol. 35,No. 1,December 2002,pp. 103-118.[余金郎]
- 。 J.L. Yu , " Novel Architectures and Adaptive Algorithms for Generalized Eigenspace-Based Beamformers, ” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering , Vol. 8, No. 1, pp45-58, Feb, 2001 (EI) (NSC-89-2213-E-236-001) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and Y.C. Cheng, “ Blind Separation of Co-Channel Digital Signals with Subspace-based Iterative Least-Square Techniques ,” Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering , No.35, pp103-118, Dec. 2001 (NSC-89-2213-E-030-026) [余金郎]
- J. L. Yu,"Novel Architectures and Adaptive Algorithms for Generalized Eigenspace-Based Beamformers",Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering,February 2001,pp. 45-58.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and M.L. Leou, "Transformation-based adaptive array beamforming” Signal Processing, Vol. 80, issue 2, pp. 231-241, Jan., 2000(EI,SCI)(NSC-89-2213-E-236-001) [余金郎]
- J.L. Yu , "A novel subspace tracking using correlation-based projection approximation,” Signal Processing, Vol. 80, Issue 12, pp. 2517-2525, Dec., 2000(EI,SCI) . [余金郎]
- J. L. Yu,"A novel subspace tracking using correlation-based projection approximation",Signal Processing,December 2000,pp. 2517-2525.[余金郎]
- 。 J.L. Yu、M.L. Leou,"Transformation-based adaptive array beamforming",Signal Processing,January 2000,pp. 231-241.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and C.C. Yeh, "Performance of the generalized eigenspace-based beamformers in the presence of pointing errors” Signal Processing, Vol. 74, pp. 199-208, May 1999(EI,SCI) [余金郎]
- J. L. Yu、C. C. Yeh,"Performance of the generalized eigenspace-based beamformers in the presence of pointing errors",Signal Processing,May 1999,pp. 199-208.[余金郎]
- J.L. Yu and C.C. Yeh, "Generalized eigenspace-based beamformers,” IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Vol.SP-43, No.11, pp.2453-2461, Nov. 1995.(EI,SCI) [余金郎]
- J. L. Yu、C. C. Yeh,"Generalized eigenspace-based beamformers",IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing,1995,pp. 2453-2461.[余金郎]