Email:[email protected]
學歷:國立清華大學 資訊科學博士
經歷:1998 ~ now 輔仁大學電機工程系 副教授
1996 ~ 1998 中華大學資訊工程系 副教授

個人網站:English Website
實驗室網站:實驗室 (Lab)
  1. Huey-Ing Liu and Wei-Lin Chen, "X-Transformer: A Green Self-attention Based Machine Translation Model," Research Highlights in Science and Technology Vol. 5, 2023-07-04, pp. 112-132.
  2. Huey-Ing Liu and Wei-Lin Chen, "X-Transformer: A Machine Translation Model Enhanced by the Self-Attention Mechanism," Applied Science, vol. 12, 2022, (2022-04-29), pp. 4502.
  3. 楊承淑、禩岡墩子、劉惠英與林素玲 "基於語料庫的醫療語境及醫療術語研究," Vol. 1, 103, (2022-03-31), pp. 71-93.
  4. Che-Jung Hsu and Huey-Ing Liu, "Realizing Opportunistic Routing in Multi-Channel Environments," IEEE Access, vol. 10 2022, (2022-08-19) ,pp. 90655-90668.
  5. Huey-Ing Liu and Wei-Lin Chen, "Re-Transformer: A Self-Attention Based Model for Machine Translation Translation," Procedia Computer Science Vol.189, 2021, (2021-07-01), pp.3-10.
  6. Che-Jung Hsu, Huey-Ing Liu and Winston K.G. Seah,「Opportunistic Routing - A Review and the Challenges Ahead」,Computer Networks Vol. 6,  21期(2011-07-01):(SCI)
  7. Huey-Ing Liu, ”A Distributed Intelligent Broadcasting Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2009-10-01, pp.638-648 (SCI,EI)
  8. 劉惠英、謝昇晃,「跨層之網路管理系統:以輔仁大學為實例 」,網際網路技術期刊 9卷,2期(2008-04-01):117-122(SCI,EI)
  9. Huey-Ing Liu and Min-Num Yang,”QoL Guaranteed Adaptation and Personalization in E-Learning Systems”, IEEE Transaction on Educations, Vol. 48 No. 4, 2005-11-01, pp.676-687 (SCI,EI)
  10. Huey-Ing Liu and、Chi-Ming Huang, “SCORM Compliant Adaptive and Personalized Learning Content Design”, IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2004-04-01, pp. 51-56 (SCI)
  11. Huey-Ing Liu and Chung-Chi Yeh, “A Study of Time-varying Population Based Location Management Schemes”, Fu-Jen Studies Science and Engineering No. 37, 2003-12-01, pp. 113-130
  12. Huey-Ing Liu and Chun-Te Wu, “Virtual Private Dial-Up Services Over Label Switching Based Networks”, Computer CommunicationsVol. 25 Issue 9, 2002-06-01, pp.884-889 (SCI)
  13. Huey-Ing Liu, “Architecture and Handoff Schemes for Wireless CATM Networks”, IEICE Transaction on Communications Vol. E83-B, No. 10, 2000-10-01, pp. 2402-2410 (SCI)
  14. Huey-Ing Liu and Chun-Te Wu, “A Novel Label Distribution Protocol for Label Switching Based IP Networks”, Fu-Jen Studies(Science and Engineering, 1999-12-01, pp. 133-153
  15. Nen-Fu Huang and Huey-Ing Liu, ”WDM-Based VOD Systems, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 16, No. 12, December 1998. (SCI, EI)
  16. Nen-Fu Huang and Huey-Ing Liu, “A Study of Isochronous Channel Reuse in DQDB Metropolitan Area Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Vol.6, No. 4, August 1998, pp. 475-484. (SCI, EI)
  17. Huey-Ing Liu and Nen-Fu Huang, “ An Isochronous Traffic Scheduling Algorithm for Dual-Star WDM Networks” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol.14, No. 3, March 1996, pp. 273-287(SCI)
  1. Huey-Ing Liu et.al., "GSAP: A Hybrid GRU and Self-Attention Based Model for Dual Medical NLP Tasks,"  The 2022-14th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology, Thailand, 2022-01-26 ~ 29.
  2. Huey-Ing Liu and Wei-Lin Chen,"Re-Transformer: A Self-Attention Based Model for Machine Translation," Virtual Conference, • June, 2021,  UAE, 2021-6-4 ~ 5.
  3. Che-Jung Hsu and Huey-Ing Liu, "Source Rate Control for Opportunistic Routing," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Korea Seoul, 2020-4-6 ~ 9.
  4. Huey-Ing Liu et. al., "Attention Based R&CNN Medical Question Answering System in Chinese," The Second International Conference on AI in information and communication, Fukuoka Japan, 2020-02-19 ~ 21.
  5. Wen-Ching Lin and Huey-Ing Liu, “OPF: Open Preference and Feature Recommender System”, the 29th International Conference on Information Networking, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2015-01-12
  6. Huey-Ing Liu, Wen-Jing He ; Winston KG Seah “LEB-MAC : Load and Energy Balancing MAC Protocol for Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor Networks”, The 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed System,Hsinchu,Taiwan,IEEE,2014-12-16
  7. Huey-Ing Liu and Wen-Jing He, “ Rich Semantic Content-Oriented Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”,  IEEE The 28th International Conference on Information Networking, Phuket Tailand,,2014-02-10
  8. Che-Jung Hsu、Huey-Ing Liu,「Route Selection for Opportunistic Routing in Multi-Channel Scenario」,IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013,Budapest,Hungary,IEEE Communication Society,2013-06-09
  9. Huey-Ing Liu、Kuo-Chao Chang,「Defending System Against Tilt DDoS Attacks」,The 6th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications,Bali,Indonesia,Telecommunication Engineering & Scientific Research Group, Indonesia,2011-12-20
  10. 呂俐穎 與 劉惠英,「P2P基礎之線上數位內容交易系統」,第十二屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會,彰化,臺灣,2011-05-28
  11. Huey-Ing Liu、Che-Jung Hsu,「 CAPS: A Contribution-Aware P2P Streaming System」,ISCIT 2010 2010 10th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies,Tokyo,Japan,IEEE Tokyo Section,2010-10-26
  12. Huey-Ing Liu、I-Feng Wu,「MeTree: A Contribution and Locality-Aware P2P Live Streaming Architecture」,The IEEE 24rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ,Perth,Australia,IEEE Computer society,2010-04-20
  13. 劉惠英、吳奕鋒,「貢獻與位址感知之點對點即時影音串流架構」,台灣網際網路研討會 2009,臺灣,2009-10-28
  14. Che-Jung Hsu、Huey-Ing Liu、Winston Seah,「Economy: A Duplicate Free Opportunistic Routing」,ACM Mobility Conference 2009,Nice,France,ACM,2009-09-02
  15. Huey-Ing Liu,「DACA: Dynamic Anti-Cheating Architecture for MMOGs」,AINA 2009,Bradford,United Kindom,,2009-05-26
  16. 劉惠英、湯秉融,「混合式多人連線之防弊系統架構」,TANET 2008,高雄,臺灣,2008年臺灣網際網路研討會籌備委員會,2008-10-20
  17. 劉惠英、張國昭,「D3OS分散式阻斷服務攻擊之防禦系統」,TANET 2008,高雄,臺灣,2008年臺灣網際網路研討會籌備委員會,2008-10-20
  18. Huey-Ing Liu,「DaCAP- 大型線上角色扮演遊戲之分散式防弊點對點架構」,8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2008. CCGRID '08,里昂,法國,IEEE 計算機協會,2008-05-19
  19. Huey-Ing Liu,「Power-Saving Resource Allocation Algorithm for Wireless Personal Area Networks」,Globecom 2007,Washington D.C.,USA,IEEE Communication society,2007-11-26
  20. 劉惠英、謝昇晃,「跨層之網路管理系統:以輔仁大學為實例」,TANET 2007,台北,臺灣,,2007-10-22
  21. Huey-Ing Liu,「Anne - A Fair Service Capacity Management for P2P Overlay Networks」,ChinaCom2007,上海,中國,計算機科學社會資訊與電信工程師協會,2007-08-22
  22. Huey-Ing Liu、Chi-Chuan Liu,「An Intelligent Agent Routing over Wireless Sensor Networks」,2006 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor System,Vancouver, Canada,IEEE ,2006-10-01
  23. Huey-Ing Liu、Chiming Huang,「An Experience Curve Based E-Learning System」,the Second IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology,Calgary, Alberta,Canada,IASTED ,2006-07-01
  24. Huey-Ing Liu、 Ray-Hong Ka,「DGP: A Dynamic Group Polling MAC Protocol for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks」,International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks CSN 2005,Benidorm,Spain,,2005-09-01
  25. Huey-Ing Liu、Ming-Cheng Lin,「無線區域網路上節省能源之資源分配演算法」,Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks WASN 2005,中壢,中華民國,,2005-07-01
  26. Chi-Sheng Tai、Huey-Ing Liu、Chien-Ping Liu、 Shing-Tsaan Huang,「The Perfume Routing Approach in Large Scale Sensor Networks」,Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks WASN 2005,中壢,中華民國,,2005-07-01
  27. Huey-Ing Liu、Po-Chang Yen,「LB2R: A Load Balanced & Location Based Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks」,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2004-Fall,Los Angeles,USA,IEEE Communication Society,2004-09-01
  28. Huey-Ing Liu、Chien-Ping Liu、Shing-Tsaan Huang,「A Self-Configuration and Routing Approach for Proliferated Sensor Systems」,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Technology 2004 VTC2004-Fall,L.A.,,,2004-09-01
  29. Huey-Ing Liu、Min-Num Yang、Chi-Min Huang,「Quality of Learning Guaranteed E-Learning System」,IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education CATE 2004,Kauai, Hawaii,USA,,2004-08-01
  30. Huey-Ing Liu、Yen-Ling Chiou,「Internet QoS Over Passive Optical Networks」,IEEE ICACT2004,,Korea,,2004-02-01
  31. Chung-Chi Yeh、Huey-Ing Liu,「A Distributed QoS Enabled MAC Protocol for Wireless LAN」,第五屆海峽兩岸資訊技術研討會,中壢,R.O.C.,,2003-11-01
  32. Huey-Ing Liu、Min-Num Yang、Chi-Min Huang,「Learning-Curve Based Adaptive Learning Content Design」,TANET 2003,Taipei,Taiwan,,2003-10-01
  33. Huey_Ing Liu、Chin-Wen Hsiao,「QoS Enabled Delay Reservation For Multimedia Wireless Networks」,IEEE ITRE 2003,New Jersey,USA,,2003-08-01
  34. Huey_Ing Liu、Ray-Hong Kao,「QoS Enabled Traffic Scheduling Algorithm in W/TDM Networks with Arbitrary Tuning Latencies」,IEEE ITRE 2003,New Jersey,USA,,2003-08-01
  35. Huey_Ing Liu、Yi-Yung Li,「DL-GRID: A QoS Enabled Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks」,IEEE VTC-Spring 2003,,Korea,,2003-04-01
  36. Huey-Ing Liu、Yi-Yung Li,「A Location Based QoS Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks」, IEEE AINA 2003,,Xi’an China,,2003-03-01
  37. Huey-Ing Liu、Chung-Chi Yeh,「Time-Varying Population Based Location Management Schemes」, 8th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems 2002 (ICCS 2002),,Singapore,,2002-11-01
  38. Huey-Ing Liu,「Mobile Domain Name System: An Alternative For Mobile IP」,8th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems 2002 (ICCS 2002),,Singapore,,2002-11-01
  39. Huey-Ing Liu、Chun-Te Wu,「A Novel Loop Prevention Scheme For Label-Switching Based IP Networks」,SCI 2001 and ISAS 2001,Orlando,USA,,2001-07-01
  40. Huey-Ing Liu、Yeong-Ching Teng,「Adaptive Packet Reservation Protocol for Wireless Networks」,IEEE ICT 2001,Bucharest,Romania,,2001-06-01
  41. Huey-Ing Liu,「Virtual Domain Name Service」,Mobile Computing Workshop 2001,Hsin-Chu,Taiwan,,2001-03-01
  42. Chun-Te Wu、 Huey-Ing Liu,「Supporting Virtual Private Dial-Up Services Over Label Switching Based Networks」,IEEE ICC 2000,New Orleans,USA,,2000-06-01
  43. Huey-Ing Liu、Chien-Ping Liu,「A Geography Based Location Management Scheme for Wireless Personal Communication Systems」, IEEE VTC 2000 – Spring,Tokyo,Japan,,2000-05-01
  44. Huey-Ing Liu、Yung-Ching Tyan,「Adaptive Packet Reservation Multiple Access Protocol for 3rd Generation Wireless Communication Systems」,Mobile Computing Workshop 2000,,R.O.C,,2000-03-01
  45. Huey-Ing Liu、Chun-Te Wu,「A Novel Loop Prevention Algorithm for Label Switching Based IP Networks」,Eighteenth IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, AI’2000,Innsbruck,Austria,,2000-02-01
  46. Huey-Ing Liu,「Architecture and Signaling Protocols for Wireless CATM Networks」,IEEE ICC’99,Vancouver,Canada,,1999-06-01
  47. Huey-Ing Liu、Jing-Der Wu,「A Hybrid MAC Protocol for HFC Networks」,IEEE ICC’98,Atlanta,U.S.A.,,1998-06-01
  48. Huey-Ing Liu,「Mobility Management for Wireless CATM Networks」,IEEE IZS’98,Zurich,Switzerland,,1998-02-01
  49. Nen-Fu Huang、Huey-Ing Liu、C.F. Hsu,「Video on Demand Over WDM Networks」,IEEE GLOBECOM’96,London,U.K.,,1996-11-01
  50. Nen-Fu Huang、Heuy-Ing Liu,「On the Isochronous and Asynchronous Traffic Scheduling Problem for Single-Star WDM Networks」,IEEE SUPERCOM/ICC’96,Dallas,U.S.A.,,1996-06-01
  51. Nen-Hu Huang、G.H. Liaw、J.M. Lin、S.T. Sheu、Huey-Ing Liu,「The Design and Implementation of Monitoring Software for Intelligent Networks」,Intelligent Network Technology Conference,Chung-Li,Taiwan,,1994-10-01
  52. Nen-Fu Huang、Huey-Ing Liu、G. K. Ma,「A Study of Isohcrnous Channel Reuse in DQDB Metroplitan Area Networks」,IEEE INFOCOM’94,Toronto,Canada,,1994-06-01
  53. Nen-Fu Huang、Huey-Ing Liu、G. K. Ma,「On the Reuse of Isochronous Channels in DQDB Metropolitan Area Networks」,IEEE SUPERCOM/ICC’94,New Orleans,U.S.A.,,1994-05-01
  54. Nen-Fu Huang、Huey-Ing Liu、Shiann-Tsong Sheu、C. S. Chang,「A Distributed Scheme for Management of Isochronous Channels in DQDB Networks」,First International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N),San Diego,CA,,1992-06-01
  1. 陳彥文、劉惠英、許獻聰、周立德、賴源正、陳仁暉,網路交換技術(中華民國:全華科技圖書股份有限公司,2007-09-01)
  2. 陳彥文、劉惠英、許獻聰、賴源正、陳仁暉、辛華昀,網路路由技 術第二版(中華民國:全華科技圖書股份有限公司,2007-02-01)
  3. 陳彥文、劉惠英、許獻聰、周立德、陳仁暉、賴源正,網路路由技術(中華民國:全華科技圖書股份有限公司,2005-03-01)
  1. 劉惠英,莊岳儒,科技部108學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫亮點計畫,物聯網系統與應用人才培育模組,科技部新竹科學工業園區管理局
  2. 劉惠英,莊岳儒,科技部107學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫優良計畫,物聯網系統與應用人才培育模組,科技部新竹科學工業園區管理局
  3. 劉惠英,99學年度,經濟部技術部 ,經濟部車載資訊WAVE/DSRC創新 應用競賽獲得創意組決賽入圍
  4. 劉惠英,98學年度,教育部,96-98年度資通訊教育改進優良教材評選- 特優
  5. 劉惠英,96學年度,輔仁大學理工學院,九十五年度理工學院研究成果奬勵
  6. 劉惠英,95學年度,教育部,通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫優良教科書編撰教師
  7. 劉惠英,95學年度,輔仁大學,輔仁大學教師教學績優獎
  8. 劉惠英,88學年度,教育部,88年度教育部通訊教育改進計劃:網際網路理論與實務實習教材-優等
  9. 劉惠英,87學年度,教育部,八十七年度大專院校通訊科技教育改進計畫區域網路實習教材-特優
  10. 劉惠英,85學年度,行政院國家科學委員會,甲等研究獎勵
  1. Ana Cavalli、Huey-Ing Liu、Hwee-Pin Tan、Aline Carnein Ciana、Victor Moraru,城市感測之廣告網路(二),Telecom SudParis, school of Institut Mines-Telecom,2016-10-08~2014-01-01
  2. 劉惠英,城市感測之廣告網路(一),Telecom SudParis, school of Institut Mines-Telecom,2013-12-31~2013-01-01
  3. Huey-Ing Liu,MAMI - MANET and Mesh Interconnectivity in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks,Groupe des Ecoles des Telecommunications, France,2010-10-31~2007-11-01
  1. 楊承淑與劉惠英,醫療語境及中英日醫療文本語料庫建置,2019-08-01~2020-07-31.
  2. 劉惠英,無線骨幹網路架構之研究與設計,2009-08-01~2010-07-31,NSC98-2221-E-030-013-
  3. 劉惠英,無線骨幹網路架構之研究與設計,2008-08-01~2009-10-31,NSC 97-2221-E-030-008-
  4. 張康、劉惠英,數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用(3/3)-總計畫,2006-08-01~2007-07-31,NSC95-2745-E-030-001-URD
  5. 劉惠英,數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用-子計畫二:數位家庭網路協定設計和排隊網路模型分析研究(3/3),2006-08-01~2007-10-31,NSC 95-2745-E-030-003-URD
  6. 張康、劉惠英,數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用(2/3)-總計畫,2005-08-01~2006-07-31,NSC94-2745-E-030-001-URD
  7. 劉惠英,數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用-子計畫二:數位家庭網路協定設計和排隊網路模型分析研究(2/3),2005-08-01~2006-10-31,NSC94-2745-E-030-003-URD
  8. 劉惠英,數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用-子計畫二:數位家庭網路協定設計和排隊網路模型分析研究(1/3),2004-08-01~2005-07-01,NSCNSC-93-2745-E-030-003-URD
  9. 張康、劉惠英,數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用(1/3)-總計畫,2004-08-01~2005-07-31,NSC93-2745-E-030-001-URD
  10. 劉惠英,Ad Hoc 適應性數位學習系統之設計與製作,2003-08-01~2004-07-31,NSC-92-2213-E-030-021-
  11. 劉惠英,行動網路系統技術之研究發展與應用-子計劃三- 無線多媒體服務平台之研究與設計(3/3),2002-12-01~2003-11-30,NSC-91-2745-P-030-004-
  12. 劉惠英,Ad Hoc 電子化學習系統之研究與設計,2002-08-01~2003-07-31,NSC-91-2213-E-030-014-
  13. 劉惠英,行動網路系統技術之研究發展與應用-子計劃三- 無線多媒體服務平台之研究與設計(2/3),2001-12-01~2002-11-30,NSC-90-2745-P-030-004-
  14. 劉惠英,行動網路系統技術之研究發展與應用-子計劃三- 無線多媒體服務平台之研究與設計(1/3),2000-12-01~2001-11-30,NSC-89-2745-P-030-004-
  15. 劉惠英,個人通訊系統之用戶導向式行動管理研究,2000-08-01~2001-07-31,NSC-89-2213-E-030-020
  16. 劉惠英,行動式虛擬區域網路之研究與製作,1999-08-01~2000-07-01,
  17. 劉惠英,虛擬區域網路之研究與製作,1998-08-01~1999-07-01,
  18. 劉惠英,無線骨幹網路架構之研究與設計,~,NSC99-2221-E-030-010-
  1. 劉惠英,莊岳儒,科技部109學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫,智慧物聯網系統與應用人才培育模組,2020-07-01~2021-08-31
  2. 劉惠英,莊岳儒,科技部108學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫,物聯網系統與應用人才培育模組,2019-07-01~2020-08-31
  3. 劉惠英,莊岳儒,科技部107學年度科學工業園區人才培育補助計畫,物聯網系統與應用人才培育模組,2018-07-01~2019-08-31
  4. 劉惠英,教育部 行動寬頻尖端技術課程推廣計畫 - Small Cell 創新應用與服務專題 行動寬頻網路課程,2016-12-01~2018-02-28
  5. 劉惠英、蔣欣翰,99年度「資通訊重點領域課程推廣計畫」- 車載隨意行動網路,教育部,2010-02-01~2011-01-31
  6. 劉惠英,資通訊人才培育先導型計畫---課程發展計畫「網路內容檢測技術實驗」實驗教材,教育部,2009-04-01~2010-03-31
  7. 莊岳儒,超大型積體電路與系統設計教育改進計畫課程 無線感測網路嵌入式系統與軟體課程授課教師,教育部,2009-01-01~2010-01-31
  8. 劉惠英,教育部資通訊人才培育先導型計畫—聯盟中心課程發展計畫 - 寬頻網路接取技術課程,教育部,2008-04-01~2009-03-31
  9. 劉惠英,教育部資通訊課程推廣計畫-96-97年度計畫,教育部,2007-12-01~2009-01-31
  10. 周立德、陳彥文、許獻聰、賴源正、劉惠英、陳仁暉,1. 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-寬頻網際網路組,教育部顧問室通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫 寬頻接取網路(教材編撰教師),2007-01-01~2009-03-31
  11. 劉惠英,通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-特定課程補助計畫,教育部,2006-09-01~2007-01-31
  12. 劉惠英,通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-特定課程補助計畫,學校配合款,2006-09-01~2007-01-31
  13. 周立德、陳彥文、許獻聰、賴源正、劉惠英、陳仁暉,通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-寬頻網際網路組,教育部顧問室通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫- 交換與路由技術(教材編撰教師),教育部,2003-01-01~2006-12-31
  14. 劉惠英,通訊科技教育改進計畫,教育部 ,1999-09-01~2000-07-01
  15. 劉惠英,通訊科技教育改進計畫,學校配合款 ,1999-09-01~2000-07-01
