The future impact of minority births and international competition will cause a serious crisis in higher education.This crisis is not a short-term phenomenon and will intensify year by year. The quality and quantity of school students will continue to change. However, the crisis is a turning point. In addition to striving to break through and update the existing foundation, the department will focus more on curriculum adjustment, research and practice parallelization, alumni network enhancement and various software and hardware equipment updates. Proper integration and coordination of limited resources or funding will improve operational efficiency. We actively strive for industry-university cooperation and international academic exchanges, to develop the competitiveness of the Department's diversity, grasp the opportunity of transformation, establish market-specific features and educational connotations, and ensure sustainable development in the future. In order to achieve the above goals, we must continue to raise for enrichment of the relevant funds.
The Department has two funds, namely the Award Fund and the Development Fund, which provide better learning assistance and equipment for students. The fundraising project plan description and donation forms are listed as follows:
- Fu University University Electrical Engineering Department fundraising letter
- Fu University University Electrical Engineering Department fundraising projects
- Development Fund Donation form
FJU EE Funds Balance
Fund Code | Fund Name | Balance (108/9/02) |
F630801 | EE Development Fund | 3,973,759 |
F630802 | EE Award Fund | 22,579 |
Alumni encouragement Scholarship | 200,000 | |
F630803 | EE Award Fund-interest | 0 |
Total | 4,196,338 |
** EE Development Fund Balance (108/9/15)= $4,169,939元
- 信用卡捐款 : 請填妥輔仁大學捐款單(如附件),傳真或郵寄至電機系辦公室。
- 郵局存簿轉帳捐款 : 請填妥輔仁大學捐款單(如附件),連同存簿正面影本,傳真或郵寄至電機系辦公室。
- 郵政劃撥捐款: 請至郵局填寫郵政劃撥單(或列印附件表單),戶名「輔仁大學學校財團法人輔仁大學」、帳號「15159038」,並請於備註欄「指定用途」:註明電機工程學系獎助基金(F630802)、電機工程學系系所發展基金(F630801)。
- 台幣支票捐款: 填妥輔仁大學捐款單(如附件),連同支票寄交電機系辦公室,支票抬頭「輔仁大學學校財團法人輔仁大學」。
- 銀行匯款/ATM捐款: 請至銀行匯款後,填妥輔仁大學捐款單(如附件)傳真或郵寄至電機系辦公室。匯款至「台新銀行建北分行」銀行代碼「812」、戶名「輔仁大學學校財團法人輔仁大學」、帳號「2068-10-0007018-2」。
- 國外匯款 (若需取得適用美國抵稅之證明,請洽電機系系辦公室,再為您說明)請匯入「台新銀行建北分行」
(1) 請先填妥捐款單 (如附件),捐款請註明「指定用途」:電機工程學系獎助基金(F630802)或電機工程學系系所發展基金(發展基金)(F630801)。
(2) 傳真至 02-29042638,系辦公室與捐款人確認後轉資金室存查。
(3) 再依您捐款方式捐款。
(4) 系辦公室再與學校確認。
(5) 在校方確認收到捐款後,對於每一筆捐款,學校均會開立收據,捐款人得併入所得稅辦理減免。
** 理工學院新實驗大樓捐款請至網頁: 理工學院新實驗大樓-訊息專區
Funds Usage
一. 獎助基金
大學部獎勵• 電機工程學系書卷獎 • 專題成果發表傑出獎
• 系友勵志獎學金
• 碩士班成績優異新生入學獎學金 • 教學助理獎學金
• 補助本系研究生赴國外出席國際重要學術會議 • 電機論文成果發表會傑出獎
• 系友勵志獎學金
二. 系所發展基金
充實實驗設備• 與自強基金合作,建立射頻通訊及IC量測教學中心
• 和軟創學程合作成立創客工坊 • 電機系五、七、八樓實驗室進一步整合
• 結合影音裝置進行遠距教學
• 增加空間展示學生實作成品及研究成果
• 辦公室、實驗室、研究室及教室加以美化 • 提供學生舒適的讀書及休憩環境
三. 理工學院新實驗大樓
• 造價4.5億,現有4.13億資金
• 電機系在實驗大樓規劃兩間實驗室以發展醫學電子、綠能電子和物聯網等跨領域技術
• 電機系在實驗大樓規劃兩間實驗室以發展醫學電子、綠能電子和物聯網等跨領域技術